Apr 24, 2008

Trader Hornee

Buy it now!!

Some explorers go into the wilderness with their daughter. They die. Some new explorers go looking for them. They find their daughter alive and occasionally nude. Don’t ever buy or rent this movie. Its obviously cut and painful to watch. I watch bad movies professionally. Read my work. I watch bad movies. This movie is probably in the 3 worst movies I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t deserve this much text for its review. There are a lot of topless girls. No sex. There are lots of cannibal type tribesman. They have no lines only grunting and they can’t pull even that off. It tries to be funny. It never is. I think I’ll break it then return it to Netflix to spare someone the trouble of sitting through it.

ACTING --0-- HUMOR --0--



K-Fleet said...

Ha, our first Zero rating. That actually has an adverse effect and makes me want to see it more just to see how horrible it is.

Smokeskrene said...

I actually thought of that. This is so bad though. This is one of those bad stag style films that gives them the reputation you complain about. If I were you I'd check out the Evil Come Evil Go Triple feature from something weird.