Much like other movies of the era, it’s a kick ass and take names later kind of flick, but rather than it being Clint Eastwood or Chuck Norris, it’s Charles Bronson, who just reeks of badassness, and who I believe can take the other two. Chucky B is one bad mofo, and even though he has a kind and compassionate face, he but can straight unleash the beast when provoked.
So, here's the story. After enjoying a relaxing vacation with his wife, they head back to the hustle and bustle of city life, but things go awry when his wife and daughter are attacked and assaulted (in their own home), and the daughter is raped by one of the gang members, a young-faced Jeff Goldblum. The wife dies in the hospital, and the daughter is comatosely traumatized. So, what’s a man to do, but be hellbent on revenge? And, with no help from the local P.D., he has no choice but to go vigilante, with nothing but a sock full of quarters by his side, and a gleam of justice in his eye.
So, he roams the streets at night looking for gang activity, and is almost mugged, but gives the guy a good whacking and flees. Almost in disbelief of what he’s done (or capable of doing), he has a drink to calm his nerves, and starts to think of a different plan. But, he has to go out-of-state for business, and so his plans are put on hold. But, while there, his partner takes him to a shooting range, and even though Chuck hasn’t held a gun since his father’s death and the Korean War, he doesn’t seem to miss a beat. So, once business is done, his partner slips him a little going away present and he heads home.
His daughter, Carol, still has yet to get better, and to add fuel to the fire, he receives the vacation pictures in the mail. So, he hits the streets again, and thwarts another mugging, but this time with a gun. This becomes his nightly routine, and no place is safe for deviants to hang out anymore.
The police catch on pretty quick, and start riffling through the files looking for person and motive, which eventually leads to Chuck. But, the D.A. doesn’t want him caught, since he’s doing such a great job of cleaning up, but they want him to go away silently so it doesn't spark others to do the same. So, the local P.D. try to use a few scare tactics, but that just makes Chuck up his game.
And so, he’s able to take out a few more hooligans, but in the final showdown, he gets shot, and after a short stint in the hospital, he takes the advice of the inspector, and skips town to Chicago (an obvious set up for a whole new adventure).
If you don’t own this movie, you’re a sucker, and should immediately follow the Amazon link and make it a part of your collection. It’s well worth the 5 bucks spent, has a score by Herbie Hancock (remember Rockit?), and is fun for the whole family. Well, that part may not be true, but this is good, wholesome entertainment, and oh so grindhouseish. And, not that it needs it, but I guess Sly Stallone thinks it’s kick ass enough to give it a remake, which may don the big screen in 2011. I wonder who will play Chucky B, though, since there’s really no replacement for him?
Pick it up, love it, share it with a friend, laugh at the red spray painted butt scene and Chuck in his Speedo, and then talk yourself into buying #2. My friend, Paul, says it has “one of the best rape scenes ever,” and I almost questioned what comprised a good rape scene, but then quickly paused in thought, having realized I’d seen so many before that were done so horribly. Plus, taking the source into consideration, a wise man of his years, and a fellow perv with demented viewing preferences, I gotta take his word for it, and hope to get around to watching it sometime this year. But, Part 1 is still a classic for sure.
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