The one thing I can’t figure out is why people have been telling me it’s the first 4 movies put together into 1. With the exception of a few scenes like his shrine to his mom, and listening to a character that only has a passing resemblance to Mrs. Voorhees, there wasn’t too much else that I saw and just thought to myself “holy crap that’s from one of the original movies.”
This has to be one of the better movies in the series and if you ask me it probably ranks in the top 5. This takes Jason and makes him a badass, don’t get me wrong he was freaking awesome before but something about the way he does things this time around; the way he kills people is a million times better than any other movie they made. He just seems more brutal and visceral in this movie than any of the others.
Oddly enough, no one had ever mentioned the fact we get to see Jason’s “house” in this movie. It caught me by surprise when it was first showed, but I do approve of it. For some reason the question of where Jason lives when he’s not out killing people or being stuck in the bottom of a lake never crossed my mind, but after seeing his lair it just seemed natural. I don’t want to ruin anything if you haven’t seen the movie but it’s like the bat-cave for a machete wielding psycho killer.
Also, if you though there was nudity in the other movies, you haven’t seen anything compared to this bad boy. Not only do we get to see 3 pairs (which ties the record for most in one movie in this series I do believe) but we see one girls set for more time than all the boobs in the first 4 movies combined. Don’t hold me to that as a real fact, I’m just saying you have a really good idea of what they look like by the time she’s dead.
I don’t know how much CGI was used in this movie, but nothing struck me as particularly CGIish. In my review for Freddy vs. Jason I talked about how it just seemed like they used CGI instead of trying to actually film some parts but I just didn’t get that feeling here. So either they didn’t use it as much, or they got a lot better in the time between the films.
This movie also really sucked me in. I’ll admit that the later in the series I got, the less the movies made me feel any emotion or hold my attention at some places. This one did just that though, I honestly at one point wondered how long I had been watching so I moved my mouse to show the time and I was at an hour, didn’t even feel like 30 minutes had passed. It’s just done in such a way that you never really get bored watching it, it just sucks you in.
The one negative thing I will point out is in the gas station. When they show the clerk, the things behind him are out of focus. Not something that would normally catch my eye, as it’s done in a lot of films because it keeps you focused on the character, but these are way out of focus. It’s like they used a funny lens just to distort them more or something. The same thing is done a few other times during the movie, but that scene really sticks in my head.
4.5 ha ha you crazy kids these days. :)
yeah but come on man, we know the only thing going to top this is H2 when it comes out, that's going to be the most epic film ever.
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