Apr 22, 2008

Secret Things (Foreign- Choses Secrètes)

Buy Secret Things Here!!

Sandrine is a young girl trying to make it on her own. After she begins to fail she entrusts her future in a sexually deviant stripper named Nathalie. They begin to dare each other to go further and further in public exhibitions. Running low on money they decide to take advantage of business men to get wealthy, however, they might not be as sly as they imagine. This movie starts in a sort of a short bus-esque quest for an orgasm and ends up in the realm of Basic Instinct. The dialog is entertaining but would not keep your attention without all the obscenity. (Which is why I was watching anyway so CHEERS!) The movie is also paced very well which will engage you in much the same way as 70's exploitaiton. I don’t know that I would recommend owning this unless you’re big into foreign exploitation but it was more than worth the time spent watching.

ACTING --3-- HUMOR --3--


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