May 16, 2008

Hunting Creatures (2004)

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Crazy things always happen at rave parties, remember the blood-sprinkler scene in Blade? It seems like these high-adrenaline, trance induced get togethers go hand-in-hand with vampires, zombies, and other creatures. Unearthed Films, which brought us the Guinea Pig series and Aftermath/Genesis, comes with this German low-budgeter, Hunting Creatures, which is produced by Andreas Papa (are all German horror directors named Andreas?) and special FX by Timo Rose.

A group of young scientists try to formulate an eternal life serum, but after experiments on mice, and then on a human goes wrong, the project is aborted, and the remaining serum is stored in the boiler of an abandoned building. This site just so happens to be the spot where a few friends sponsor a rave, and when the green liquid starts seeping out, all the party-goers turn into blood-thirsty zombies, and the hosts must find a way to stop them.

To makes things worse, the sludge starts leaking into the public water system and begins to infect the town. What follows is a very familiar premise which has been done many times over: get guns, bats, and whatever else you can find, and kick some zombie ass before they get yours.

Nothing really new here, sure there’s a great deal of violence, gore, and an oozing anus scene (possibly the best of all), but it’s like the same regurgitated crap I've seen time and time again. And, although it wasn’t as grueling as Das Komabrutale Duell, it's nothing to run and tell your friends about either. The FX seemed really amateur, and not that I could do any better without some training, but with as many films as Timo and company have under their belt, you’d think they’d at least be able to perfect the realness of blood. Sadly, though, it looks like watered down cherry Kool Aid, and the zombie make up looks like a Halloween kit bought from Walmart. I've read that the cheapest way to do zombie make up is to use wet paper towels, and although I'm sure a little more expense was used for these, it sure doesn’t look like it sometimes. Maybe Mr. Rose should spend a little time at Mr. Savini’s FX school to learn blood and gore basics, heck, even I know that corn syrup is the way to go.

ACTING --2-- HUMOR --1--


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