Dec 16, 2010

Slave (2009)

Opening with a dead chick lying topless on the beach, Slave starts off with a bang, and builds anticipation of what's to happen next. While there are moments of perversion and boobage, the end result is rather blah, and we're left with a void from what the opening scene created. Essentially, this film is about a man’s attempt to start a committed life of marriage, but it gets overshadowed by his childhood baggage (a broken home and absent, reckless father), and the trip that would not soon be forgotten.

Before tying the knot, David and Georgie decide to visit his now wealthy dad in order to make it official. But, instead of being there with open arms, he isn’t home, so they get taxied around by his personal chauffeur, and decide to hit the town. At a club, Georgie decides to better their chance of getting in by name dropping (This is the son of ...), in which they get preferential treatment from the manager, are immediately seated, slipped some complementary pills to help set the night's mood, and are bid a happy evening. This is where the downward spiral begins…

While his woman is sweating the night away on the dance floor, he makes a b-line for the pisser, but upon return, she’s gone, and everyone plays dumb as to where she’s at, or that she even existed. Was she was kidnapped? Did she fancy another dude and leave with him? Did she melt into a puddle like Frosty? It’s time to shake some people down and try to find out what happened. But, doesn’t this always happen to newcomers in a foreign land? Hello? Hostel anyone?

Indeed, she has been kidnapped, and by a psychotic Russian dude who preaches Muslim gibberish. Lucky her, she was chosen to be a part of his doped up harem of love slaves (and sacrificial lambs). And, is it any surprise that daddy dearest is involved in this whole thing? So, with the help of a friend, well, fellow victim because of his sister's kidnapping, David and company travel to the yacht where Georgie and sis are being held. Once aboard, they bust in like Scarface (Say hello to my lil friend!) and blast everything in sight.

Not so much like this...

...but more like this.

The end result is:

1) Lots of dead people.

2) David thinks he sees his dad boning Georgie, so he tries to shoot him, but the gun is empty, so he gets his ass kicked by his dad, but he musters up the strength to return a mega ass-whoopin, possibly killing him. (In reality, pops was trying to get her coherent enough to help her escape, but from David's point of view through a partially closed door, it looked like dad was roadhousing her.)

3) David's friend shoots the Russian, who in turn slices his sister’s throat, so he then blows off his own head for causing her death.

4) In the end, Georgie decides to leave David, after seeing a side of him she never knew existed. (I guess bludgeoning poor pops into a meat sandwich doesn't fall under For Better or For Worse.)

Slave isn't a horrible movie, but is quite misleading with a cover that should have been used for a torture porn/slave trade flick, rather than a drama. Sure, there’s several boob shots, lesbo sex, blood, and a bit of depravity, but this is clearly a drama, much to the likes of the movie Taken, just not as eloquently done. While the marketing team at Phase 4 Films may get an applaud for an interesting cover, I think the international release more fairly respresents it.

This movie wasn’t a total waste of time, so I say rent it, unless you can pick it up for under 10 bucks (and that includes shipping). Instead, I recommend you buy The Disappearance of Alice Creed. Sure, it has flaws, but offers more substance, some quirky, yet unintentional humor, and Alice roped to a bed in the buff. AND, the artwork doesn’t steer you wrong, other than maybe downplaying the actual contents.

ACTING --3-- HUMOR --1--


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