Aug 4, 2011

Screw double-dipping The Walking Dead

I normally don't double-dip on a title unless it's something I think is super badass and well worth the money, or is a format upgrade. What pisses me off is when companies, especially within the first year of release, re-issue a movie (or music) with extra features not included on the original release. For instance, The Walking Dead series. The DVD and Blu-Ray were released in March, and is getting re-released in October. A mere 7 months later, to tie-in with the second season, AMC and Anchor Bay want us to drop our hard earned cash again for all that stuff they failed to give us on the original release. Amazon currently has the Blu-Ray for pre-order for 42 bucks, but you can pick up the original release for about $25, and that includes shipping. Sure, the new one is like the "Extreme Fan Edition," and I really did like the show and am anticipating the new season, but unless AMC or Anchor Bay are going to offer us a $15-20 trade-in toward the purchase of the new one, then I'm gonna pass. And yeah, I could sell my copy and re-coop some of my money in order to purchase the new one, but paying about $20 more for the black and white pilot episode, commentaries, and making of's isn't worth it to me. However, I do like the new cover, and would pay maybe a couple of bucks for the slipcase.

So, studios, please quit asking me to double-dip, as I have enough other stuff I'd like to spend my money on, like Bereavement, Stake Land, The Ward, and a double-dip waffle cone from Cold Stone or Braums.

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