Jun 12, 2009


Buy it now!!

I’ve already covered that I don’t like people cancelling out movies of the Friday the 13th series because of plot twists. Having said that, this is probably my least favorite of the series. There’s going different directions and there’s leaving the atmosphere which this does. The idea of having the government trap Jason was good. But having him pass into other people’s bodies was a little to “Twin Peaks” for me. I could of dealt with this happening once. But this being repeated was just too cheesy. If this movie had been an idea on its own that had nothing to do with the series I still don’t think it would have been enjoyable.

I think this was the first movie of the series where they really invested a great deal of money trying to capitalize on the other’s success. The feeling is similar to that of Clerks 2 in that the product was so much better when it wasn’t over thought. Bad actors is what made slasher’s great. Monster’s in masks and topless girls was the formula that made us what to cheer on kill scenes of the annoying archetypes we deal with in our everyday lives. Trading that for body jumping and slithering nonsense was just nonsense. Obviously the studio new this as they abandoned this as quickly as they took it on. The only really great moment of this movie was the dick tease ending with Freddy’s claws pulling the Jason mask to hell. After sitting through this again the idea of getting to do a review for Jason Vs. Space almost has me optimistic.

ACTING --3-- HUMOR --0--


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